The Disney+ series Andor is the latest installment in the beloved Star Wars franchise. Set five years before the events of Rogue One and A New Hope, the show follows the story of a group of rebels as they fight against the oppressive Galactic Empire during the early days of the Rebel Alliance’s formation. Diego Luna portrays the lead character Cassian Andor in the series. Luna’s portrayal of Andor has been highly praised, with fans and critics alike applauding his nuanced performance and ability to bring the character’s complicated morality to life. One of the highlights of the first season was the return of Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker), a key player in the Rebel Alliance’s fight against the Galactic Empire.
Set photos released by Newbury Today have confirmed that the upcoming second and final season of Andor will feature Moroff, the Gigoran mercenary who fought alongside Saw Gerrera in Rogue One. The photos were taken at the UK’s Greenham Airbase, a location where Disney previously filmed scenes for the Star Wars movies The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.
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Diego Luna Reveals Details About Cassian’s Character Arc in Andor Season 2
Walt Disney Studios
Diego Luna will be returning as the titular character in the upcoming season Andor. The rest of the cast includes Kyle Soller, Adria Arjona, Fiona Shaw, Stellan Skarsgård, Denise Gough, Genevieve O’Reilly, Faye Marsay, Varada Sethu, and Elizabeth Dulau. Luna will also be serving as an executive producer for the show’s second season, which is expected to debut in 2024. Recently, he shared some new details about what fans can expect from the character’s journey in the upcoming season.
In a recent interview with Screen Rant, Luna revealed that Cassian’s character arc in the second season of Andor will focus on the journey he must take to become the man we meet in Rogue One. According to Luna, Cassian has a lot of growing and learning to do before he can become the selfless hero we know from the movie. Luna explained that Cassian will have to learn a new language, understand important details about the Rebellion, and meet people who will help shape him into the man he needs to be in order to fight against the Galactic Empire.
“He’s ready to join, but he doesn’t know what he’s getting into. He doesn’t speak the language. He has to learn a new language; he has to understand many things. He has to witness and meet some people that are going to be crucial in shaping him to become the man that is willing to sacrifice everything for the Rebellion. There’s still a lot that needs to happen, and it’s gonna be exciting. This structure is quite cool. It’s four blocks, and each block is one year. But between each block, there’s a time just. It’ll be challenging for audiences in a good way, and maybe it’ll be exciting and different from season 1.”
The second season of Andor is set to be a significant addition to the Star Wars franchise, building on the success of the first season and offering fans new and exciting perspectives on Cassian Andor’s journey.
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