Dove Cameron is tempting us to buy into the corset trend with her latest Instagram post. The actress took a mirror selfie in a beaded corset drenched in a bright red hue and designed with a sweetheart neckline. The structured piece was also embellished with white beads that outlined the shape of a broken heart, giving it an instant edge. Along the front, a centered lace-up panel added texture and gave the corset a BDSM-inspired twist. Cameron styled it with a pair of dramatic paper bag-waist jeans, which gave off major Britney Spears in her “Circus” era energy.
She accessorized her outfit with a pair of dangling silver earrings and a bold black eyeliner, highlighting her soft glam makeup. The 26-year-old star recently released an equally steamy video for her hit “Boyfriend” a few weeks after teasing the song on TikTok.
This isn’t the only kitschy outfit Cameron has worn recently. While attending the AFI Awards Luncheon last month, the star walked the red carpet in a printed suit fresh from Versace’s spring/summer 2022 ready-to-wear collection. The suit jacket was covered in a golden Medusa pattern splashed over colorblocked salmon-pink and chartreuse silk, with pops of pink and teal throughout. She also carried an entire treasure chest on her shoulders at the iHeartRadio Music Awards wearing a beaded skirt suit, pulled from Lebanese designer Zuhair Murad’s spring/summer 2022 couture collection. Her cropped blazer was dripping in gold chains and gemstones. Dove’s all about a statement look and we can’t wait to see what she wears next.
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