Kendall Jenner spent her afternoon lounging by the beach in a sheer Jean Paul Gaultier gown embellished with geometric cutouts. On Feb. 16, the model shared photos of herself in the printed maxi dress, sourced from Opulent Addict, on Instagram. “Goddess in vintage Venus De Milo JPG!” the vintage couture shop said of the look on Instagram. “@kendalljenner wearing a Jean Paul Gaultier dress purchased from @opulentaddict.”
The look, styled by Dani Michelle and Maren Taylor, featured a sepia screen printout of the Venus de Milo. The sculpture is famously believed to depict the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. As a pattern, it created the partial illusion of a “naked” dress across the bodice. At the mid-thigh, the dress split into a color-block design in navy before revealing more of the classic image.
The off-the-shoulder gown featured a halter neckline over a circular keyhole cutout. Just below the bust, the dress also split into two geometric cutouts on either side of Jenner’s rib cage. Prior to making an appearance on Jenner’s social media account, the piece made its debut in Gaultier’s Soleil spring/summer 1999 collection.
Lounging on an outdoor sofa in front of the ocean, Jenner let the work of art speak for itself as she soaked up the sunset. When it came to accessories, she opted to stick with the seaside theme and go barefoot. On her ears, she wore a pair of huggie hoop earrings in silver. “angel,” Normani commented on Jenner’s slideshow alongside a heart-eyes emoji.
Last month, Jenner’s sister Kourtney Kardashian put a similar literal spin on the naked-dress trend in a nude-print gown from Balmain, also styled by Michelle.
See Jenner’s strappy beachside ensemble here.
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