Let’s get one thing straight: there is always a place and time to spoil yourself with dessert. The frequency or amount will totally depend on you, but we’re breaking down just a few times when it’s totally okay to enjoy some dessert – guilt-free.
1. It’s a Holiday
Holidays are a great excuse to give yourself a break, and that comes to dessert as well. If you’re normally telling yourself no to desserts, the holidays are the perfect opportunity to spoil yourself and enjoy something sweet.
Sure, there are the major holidays you celebrate that may warrant a sweet, but those aren’t the only holidays to have a treat. If you didn’t know, there is a national holiday for just about everything today.
From Chocolate Chip Cookie Day to Cream Puff Day, there are endless chances to experience your favorite dessert or try something new!
If you’re looking for an excuse, or rather a reason to celebrate, visit the National Today website that outlines all of the desert holidays that you need to know.
2. Something Amazing Happened
There is no better time to spoil yourself with a treat than after receiving some great news. Whether it be receiving your dream job offer or finally achieving your savings goal, there is no reason not to celebrate!
Depending on what you find, the perfect reward for being, you might choose to buy a slice of cake from your favorite bakery and go to the park to enjoy it, or you might go to the movies and enjoy a pint of ice cream with your movie.
The possibilities are endless but what matters is that you allow yourself to celebrate the good as often as you push through the bad. If your idea of dessert is wine or a little infused cookie treat, go for it! You deserve it without any room for guilt.
3. At a Party
Unless you’re attending parties daily or multiple times a day, you’ve earned the right to enjoy a treat now and then.
If you’re worried about going overboard, try to hold off on grazing along the dessert table and enjoying birthday cake at the end of the night. If you’ve been good all week and want to spoil yourself with all-you-can-eat dessert at a friend or work party, allow yourself the treat!
So long as it’s from time to time, rather than an everyday experience, there is no reason not to spoil yourself from time to time!
4. After a Good (or Bad) Week
Whether you’re attempting to eat a little healthier in order to feel less lethargic or you promised yourself the ultimate dessert after a week of acing tests during finals week, it’s okay to celebrate with a treat.
On the other hand, the opposite is true. Many turn to sweet treats to cope with sad feelings. For example, crying over ice cream after a breakup. Each of these reasons to enjoy a dessert without feeling bad about it is completely justified.
So next time you have an amazing week or even one of the worse, know that it’s okay if you choose to turn to your favorite treat. Just remember that there are other ways to also celebrate or mourn the weeks as they come, so be sure to introduce other coping mechanisms as well.
5. Self-care Day
When it comes to being your happiest, healthiest version, self-care is crucial. No matter if it’s your Sunday routine or a daily dose of decadence, introducing dessert to your self-care days is the perfect way to take it to the next level.
So the next time you have a spa day or simply decide to lay on the couch and check out mentally for a day, try incorporating your favorite dessert into the mix to feel even better!
After all, what better time to spoil yourself with dessert than on a day that is designed to completely spoil you?
There are plenty of times that can warrant spoiling yourself with dessert. While these are just a few examples, it’s important to remember that there are dozens more.
At the end of the day, if spoiling yourself with dessert from time to time means a happier, healthier overall you, there’s no reason to feel guilty about those indulgences!
You can view the original article HERE.