Adult Swim will expand its animation content with an all-new series from Mike Judge and Greg Daniels, the team behind the hit animated sitcom King of the Hill. Deadline reports that Adult Swim has officially ordered to series Common Side Effects, a new animated show executive produced by Judge and Daniels. It is written and directed by Joe Bennett (Cake, Scavengers Reign) and Steve Hely (American Dad, Veep). Bandera Entertainment president Dustin Davis will also executive produce.
Announced at the Annecy International Film Festival, the series, created by Bennett and Hely, explores the “complex reactions to the revelations of the mysterious elixir of life.” It follows “former high school lab partners Marshall and Frances who begin to unravel a conspiracy involving big pharma and the federal government to suppress knowledge of a rare mushroom that may hold the key to curing all the world’s diseases.”
“Tonally, this is like nothing else in animation right now, so we knew immediately that Common Side Effects belonged on Adult Swim,” Adult Swim president Michael Ouweleen said in a statement. “Mike, Greg, and this entire team have such deep pedigrees in the comedy and animation worlds, and this new series will tackle everything from government corruption to the pharmaceutical industry through their unique and hilarious perspectives.”
Adult Swim and Max’s executive VP of original programming, Suzanna Makkos, added, “From the moment we heard the idea for Common Side Effects we knew it was the perfect tone for our animation brand. The series is based on a thought-provoking idea that is totally original and brought to life with complicated, larger than life characters. We look forward to introducing this special show to the world.”
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Mike Judge and Greg Daniels Are Also Reviving King of the Hill
20th Television
Meanwhile, Judge and Daniels are also bringing King of the Hill back as well. It was announced earlier this year that a revival of the cartoon show is in the works at Hulu with several voice cast members returning alongside Judge, such as Kathy Najimy as Peggy, Pamela Adlon as Bobby, Stephen Root as Bill, Johnny Hardwick as Dale, and Lauren Tom as Minh. Brittany Murphy and Tom Petty have since passed away and it’s not yet clear if their characters, Luanne and Lucky, will be featured in the revival in any way.
“We are all so excited to welcome back Hank, Peggy and Bobby, and to see what they have to say about the world we live in and continue the conversations we began years ago,” ABC Entertainment’s Craig Erwich said in a statement at the time. “This show has all of the perfect ingredients to meet this moment in animation at Hulu, and we’re so thankful to be having those conversations alongside this talented group.”
It’s also been revealed that the show will be moving the story forward in time, beginning with a 15-year time jump with older versions of the King of the Hill characters. A release date hasn’t yet been set.
You can view the original article HERE.