The superhero series Gotham Knights has reached its conclusion, recently airing its first season’s finale on The CW. The episode also serves as the series finale for the show, as it was announced ahead of the episode that Gotham Knights had been canceled. While it’s possible the show could be picked up elsewhere, there’s been no indication of that happening as of yet, and there’s a good chance the story won’t be continued. And for some fans, that’s a major bummer, as we won’t get to see more of Misha Collins as Two-Face.
In the show, Collins plays Harvey Dent, the district attorney of Gotham City. Teases of his Two-Face transformation had been coming up during the season, with Harvey’s dark side coming mentally, but it wasn’t until the finale when the process was complete. The moment happens when Harvey lets out his dangerous alter ego to attack Rebecca March, hoping to save his daughter, Duela. Unfortunately for Harvey, Rebecca throws chemicals onto his face, causing the full transformation into Two-Face. It was a big moment as the show had been building towards the reveal all season.
Now, fans of the show are left saddened, as Harvey’s full transformation into Two-Face won’t be further explored. Judging from some of the social media reactions, it seems many fans thought Collins’ Two-Face had a lot of potential, wondering what would come next for the character in season 2. We may never know, and that’s something that some Gotham Knights fans are feeling pretty bummed about.
“I’m genuinely pretty sad that we’re not gonna see more of Gotham Knights’ take on Two-Face, he was really well done in the limited scenes we saw him and had a TON of potential. Could easily have seen him become the best on-screen depiction with more seasons,” as one tweet reads.
Boldly declaring this Two-Face to be the best one of all, another fan said, “Gotham Knights is amazing!! [Misha Collins] is by far the best Two-Face ever! Yeah, I said it! It’s really sad that there won’t be a season 2.”
Related: Superman & Lois Renewed for a Shorter Season While Gotham Knights Gets Canceled at The CW
Gotham Knights Ends Just as Two-Face Arrives
The CW
Harvey Dent/Two-Face actor Misha Collins has also spoken out about his disappointment over the show ending too soon. When the show was axed ahead of the finale, Collins took to Twitter to shares his thoughts on the situation.
“I’m incredibly bummed, and selfishly disappointed to not be able to fully explore my ‘villain arc,’ but I’m proud of the show we made and so grateful to have been able to work with such a smart, caring, good group of people,” the actor said. “I’m especially proud that our story about fighting the good fight also gave us opportunities to tell diverse and inclusive stories. We need more of that on screen, and while this story may not be going forward, I really believe it helped open that door a little wider for more characters from all backgrounds to shine.”
He added, “Thank you, #BatBrats, for your full-throated support. The show may be ending, but I know this community will keep the light shining against the darkness in the real world. Onward!”
Time will tell if Gotham Knights gets saved, but things aren’t looking good. For now, you can see some more of the fan reactions to the show getting axed, along with the Two-Face reveal, below.
You can view the original article HERE.